Best Ahrefs Alternatives 2024: Find The Best SEO Ranking Tool [Free+Paid]

Want to jump straight to the answer? When it comes to Best Ahrefs Alternatives, most individuals find Sitechecker Pro and Semrush are the best options.

Ahrefs is one of the most powerful keyword research and SEO tools available online. However, customers do have some complaints.

Whether you’re fed up with Ahrefs’ somewhat costly price or prefer a more straightforward interface that delivers quick answers rather than the mountains of rather difficult data supplied by Ahrefs, we’ve identified the finest Ahrefs alternatives to address your concerns.

Continue reading to discover Ahrefs alternatives that provide many of the same features as Ahrefs but with a few key differences. Some of the top options provide much lower prices than Ahrefs, while others offer unique features.

We’ll discuss the cost of switching to an Ahrefs alternative, as well as the information and features you’ll want to know before making the switch.

We recommend visiting each of the Ahrefs alternatives mentioned below. Begin by examining the price. Consider joining up for a free trial or checking out the tool’s demo if the cost is within your budget.

We’ll cover the essential details about each choice, but it’s strongly advised that you also try out the interfaces for yourself, since you’ll be spending a significant amount of time within the dashboard of this key SEO tool.

15 Best Ahrefs Alternatives in 2024

1. Sitechecker Pro

Since its debut in 2016, Sitechecker Pro has had a big influence in the digital world. With over 250,000 active users per month, it has solidified its position as a major player in the online industry.

The platform is adaptable and extensive, so it can suit any requirements you may have for SEO. Sitechecker Pro is a comprehensive suite of tools and features designed to improve your website’s performance and boost its exposure in search engine results. It can be used by anybody, from solopreneurs to multinational corporations.

Sitechecker Pro delivers a full range of tools to boost your website’s SEO performance, including a thorough website assessment, keyword ranking monitoring, backlink analysis, and competition tracking. You can improve your on-page optimization, pinpoint and repair technical issues, and craft winning SEO campaigns with the aid of the information and advice it provides.

With the help of Sitechecker Pro, you can monitor your website’s SEO health and make data-driven decisions to improve your online presence, putting you ahead of the competition. Because of its straightforward design and clear reports, the platform is suitable for SEO experts of all levels.

Sitechecker Pro: Sitechecker Pro Vs Ahrefs

2. SEMRush

semrush dashboard

SEMRush is a feature-rich digital marketing toolbox that is undoubtedly the greatest Ahrefs substitute available today. It’s ideal for competition analysis since it generates extensive information on your rivals’ link building, paid and organic keyword research, and advertising actions and plans.

SEMRush makes it simple to do in-depth backlink analysis and determine the kind and authority of your connections. You may undertake keyword research to determine the number of searches for certain terms.

SEMRush delivers traffic metrics that may be used to easily monitor a website’s performance. Additionally, you may use the tool to compare domain names side by side. SEMRush presents data in the form of visually appealing charts and graphs that are simple to interpret and evaluate.

3. SimilarWeb

similarweb review-Best Ahrefs Alternatives

SimilarWeb is another market intelligence tool that may assist you in identifying and capitalizing on relevant trends to remain ahead of the competition. The utility can assist you in identifying effective SEO methods from around the industry and using them to boost your rankings.

SimilarWeb may assist you in comparing your site’s SEO performance to that of your competitors to see where you fall short. You may see critical statistics about your rivals, as well as the techniques they’ve used.

Additionally, the tool assists you in identifying new trends, allowing you to ride the wave ahead of the competition and compete effectively with developing market competitors.

Additionally, you may utilize the tool to do category analysis to quickly identify prominent experts, influencers, and participants in any industry.

SimilarWeb may also provide vital insight into how your rivals have been reaching their audience through landing sites, creatives, and advertisements.

Additionally, it can assist you in generating more leads, owing to its 80 million domain-strong databases packed with priceless industry intelligence data.

4. SEO PowerSuite

SEOpowersuite affiliate program

SEO PowerSuite is an all-in-one SEO marketing solution that will display all of your site’s essential SEO data along with recommendations on how to enhance them. Numerous SEO PowerSuite are offered to ensure the health of your SEO and to make essential improvements.

Additionally, SEO PowerSuite provides a free ‘Lite’ edition. While the free version has restricted functions, it is still worth considering if you are on a tight budget for your SEO efforts or want to test the software’s features before investing in it.

The software ranks keywords by using 346 search engines. Additionally, you may watch your rivals’ rankings and see historical data to see how you and your competitors have evolved.

SEO PowerSuite includes a comprehensive SEO health check that identifies over 30 technical problems with your site.

From broken links to indexing, uncover any issues that might harm your rating.

A useful feature of SEO PowerSuite is the ability to monitor not just backlinks to your site, but also links that may harm your rating. Additionally, checks for link quality that assess the anchor text and outbound links may be applied.

5. Serpstat

SERPStat review

Serpstat is another robust SEO toolkit that comes equipped with a variety of beneficial optimization capabilities. You’ll be able to compare your sites and determine what works and what doesn’t when it comes to increasing search engine rankings.

Serpstat is unique in that it offers a comprehensive approach to SEO and even includes content marketing ideation tools.

You may utilize them to enhance your site’s content and respond to the unique requirements and inquiries of your users, who account for the bulk of your traffic. Optimize your content for particular market trends by using market intelligence tools.

Serpstat enables you to identify the most profitable keywords for PPC advertising. Additionally, the software provides keyword alternatives that may assist improve search engine ranks.

Another fantastic feature of Serpstat is that it makes it simple to adapt your keywords to a target language to improve their ranking. The database supports a wide range of various languages.

Serpstat’s localization function elevates it to the level of a serious Ahrefs rival.

Serpstat can assist you in tracking which content obtains the most social media shares. You may compare the performance of your content to that of your rivals to see what works and what does not.

Serpstat may also do site audits and assist in identifying possible issues with photos, content, duplicate data, and the sitemap. Additionally, it is capable of correcting a variety of faults.

6. Moz Pro


Moz’s mission is to simplify SEO by eliminating any ambiguity from the equation. Moz Pro enables you to determine what your audience is interested in and has been looking for before visiting your website.

Additionally, it is a highly suggested substitute for Ahrefs. You may then utilize this data to generate effective content.

Moz includes a search visibility score that indicates how well your content ranks for the keywords you’ve selected. Additionally, the toolkit assists in identifying possible website faults by scanning all pages and determining if anything obstructs search engine visibility. This assists in ensuring that you get better ranks.

Moz does not only detect potential errors; it also makes detailed advice on how to enhance your rating. Additionally, you may utilize their unique analytics to determine if your links are structured correctly for optimal SEO.

7. SE Ranking

Seranking review

SE Ranking is one of the most formidable Ahrefs rivals available, owing to its robust feature set that includes some very unique capabilities. For example, the tool enables you to find all prospective rivals for a given search query. Additionally, you might investigate sponsored advertisements by your rivals to get an advantage.

SE Ranking is not your typical SEO toolbox, though. Additionally, it has social media management capabilities, which may be advantageous for individuals looking for an all-in-one online presence improvement solution.

The keyword rank tracker is an excellent keyword research tool that can be used to monitor your keywords’ performance across all search engines.

Apart from the rank tracker, you can also do a comprehensive website audit to ensure that everything is functioning properly. The software searches every page on the site, beginning with the homepage and ending with the deepest connections.

You’ll be able to determine if your photos have been appropriately optimized and whether your website runs quickly enough for your consumers.

Additionally, SE Ranking has an excellent backlink tracking tool that will be quite beneficial for off-website adjustments.

You’ll be able to filter backlinks and create a cost estimate for a backlink campaign. Additionally, it is possible to examine backlinks against certain SEO factors to determine their performance.

8. GrowthBar

GrowthBar Dashboard

GrowthBar is a Chrome plugin that provides immediate access to vital SEO data points about any website and identifies the growth channels and keywords that are driving traffic to them.

The tool enables you to research top-performing keywords, keyword ranking difficulties, domain authority, backlink data, page word count, and Facebook advertisements, among other things.

GrowthBar makes it ridiculously easy to implement SEO and increase organic trafficc. Recognize keyword competitiveness and amount of searches. Determine the competitiveness and volume of any keyword on the planet. Determine whether or not to pursue a keyword in your content/SEO strategy with this easy score.

Use GrowthBar to rapidly examine a site’s backlink profile. That means you can identify which rivals have the greatest backlinks and contact them to get them for yourself.

Surveill your rivals. GrowthBar enables you to know precisely which channels your rivals are using to generate visitors. Keep an eye on your keyword ranks. In the GrowthBar dashboard, you can monitor your overall SEO success over time.

9. Google Trends

Google Trends review

Google Trends is very effective, yet sometimes ignored keyword research tool that should be a mandatory component of your SEO toolset. If you want to get a high ranking in your business, it is critical to select and employ the appropriate keywords.

This is where Google Trends comes in: it enables you to identify keywords with high competitiveness as well as those with low popularity.

Google Trends is an excellent tool for tracking seasonal search terms. Not every keyword remains hot throughout the year. Utilizing Trends enables you to determine which terms are hot at any given moment in time.

Thus, you may design your content ahead of time and rank high when the time arrives.

Additionally, you may utilize the tool to search for terms inside themes. This provides you with a greater range of outcomes that might assist you in comprehending your customers’ behavior.

Along with seasonal keywords, Google Trends may assist you in identifying general terms that consistently generate interest.

Additionally, it assists you in identifying popular topics that have gone viral in real time. For example, you can determine which questions have been increasing in popularity over the previous 24 hours.

Google Trends’ “similar searches” tool is an excellent approach to getting more keyword suggestions. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into the client’s journey.

10. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is rapidly gaining traction as a viable Ahrefs replacement. At the moment, it’s ideal if you’re not prepared to pay Ahrefs’ monthly cost of $99.

This includes those who are just beginning their SEO adventure or those who need to search for an occasional term. However, this technology is improving daily.

Ubersuggest Dashboard

You may reverse engineer your competitor’s SEO approach using the Domain Overview. You can see how much traffic they get, their top keywords, and the terms on which they bid. You may get a Top SEO page analysis that details which pages of your competition receive the most traffic.

Additionally, Ubersuggest has a simple keyword research tool that assists you in locating high-volume, low-competition keywords.

Finally, the report on content ideas will assist you in identifying proven themes that get the most traffic and shares in your industry.

11. Majestic SEO

Majestic is fundamentally different from Ahrefs in that it is a single tool – a backlink checker. However, if you’re looking for a thorough backlink analyzer, Majestic is the tool for you.

Majestic not only lets you trace the origins of your backlinks but also helps you put together the context of your backlinks and determine the overall health of your backlink portfolio.

Majestic SEO Tool

Majestic’s exclusive Link Context feature enables you to gain a better understanding of the strength of your backlinks by displaying information such as whether the link originates from an editorial site or a directory, the location of the link on a page, and the other sites that are linked to from the same page as yours.

This kind of information is priceless if you’re serious about backlink development and DA increase.

While Ahrefs’ backlink checking functions are acceptable, Majestic provides a more detailed view of your portfolio than all-in-one solutions like Ahrefs.

12. Mangools

Mangools is an excellent Ahrefs option for those who are less tech-savvy. If you’re overwhelmed by Ahrefs’s vast capabilities and dashboard, Mangools may be the solution for you.

Mangools is a simple yet effective SEO tool that includes everything you need in an SEO toolbox without complication.

Mangools Dashboard

Mangools enables you to do keyword research, monitor your rankings, conduct SERP and backlink analysis, and analyze SEO data and insights.

While Mangools may not have as many features as Ahrefs, it does include all of the necessary elements in one convenient package that makes it simple to use for both SEO pros and newbies.

Mangools also has other intriguing features, like ranking updates by email, which make it quite simple to monitor your sites’ performance in the SERPs.

Another advantage of Mangools is their affordability. Even the premium edition of Mangools is much less expensive than Ahrefs at $69.00 per month.

13. LongTailPro

For several reasons, LongTailPro is a suitable Ahrefs alternative. To begin, LongTailPro prompts you to add relevant keywords for your website.

It then makes hundreds of recommendations to help you improve your SEO and compete with other businesses.

LongTailPro - Overview

You may do a keyword and competition analysis using SEO metrics and determine the keyword’s profitability based on its historical performance and the cost of targeting that keyword.

Additionally, there is a rank tracker that allows you to keep track of all online ranks and get notifications when your position drops or requires improvement in certain areas.

In comparison to Ahrefs, LongTailPro offers a comparable UI and significantly tweaked features that are more focused on keyword discovery and optimization. It’s not nearly as complicated as Ahrefs, but LongTailPro is much less costly.

Keyword research that identifies the most relevant keywords and estimates their efficacy when used in your article. SERP analysis to see how your results stack up against those of competitors and to make necessary adjustments.

For individuals with a large number of websites, rank monitoring that includes ranking updates and multiple monitored domains is available.

A comprehensive tracking page that consolidates all aspects of the LongTailPro analysis for quick reporting.

Long-tail keyword generators and proposals that combine more popular keywords with additional phrases and words to target the most successful combinations.

Competitor monitoring and espionage reveal what those firms are doing and make recommendations based on their content strategy.

14. Spyfu

Spyfu weaves a narrative out of the data on your website, and it all begins with SEO research.

This is a solid but somewhat restricted alternative to Ahrefs in that it offers PPC and keyword research, as well as a few additional tools such as a SERP checker, domain overview, and keyword rank checker.

SpyFu Dashboard

Thus, although this option is rather watered down in comparison to Ahrefs, for many firms, this is just what they want. The dashboard is much more intuitive than Ahrefs’s, there is no learning curve or requirement for new staff to be trained on the software, and you get Spyfu for a fraction of the price of Ahrefs.

SEO reports and a SERP tracker let you see your website’s search engine performance.

A domain overview panel that compiles statistics about your site from throughout the web. Numerous keyword-related tools, including a rank checker, a research tool, and a backlink checker.

PPC keyword research with suggested keywords. Templates for Google Ads and competitive analysis.

FAQs Related To Ahrefs Alternatives

👍 Which is better Ubersuggest or Ahrefs?

Ahrefs may have a more intuitive user interface in general. However, SEMrush provides far more data (both SEO and PPC), making it a more comprehensive keyword tool.

✌️ How accurate is Ahrefs?

Ahrefs was the second most accurate, underestimating overall traffic for all sites by 17 % (11.1 million anticipated visits against 13.4 million actual visits), and traffic on average by 36 %. By and large, Ahrefs was the most accurate tool for assessing the traffic of popular websites.

🤷 Is Ahrefs the best SEO tool?

Ahrefs may have a more intuitive user interface in general. However, SEMrush provides far more data (both SEO and PPC), making it a more comprehensive keyword tool.

🙎 What is SimilarWeb good for?

SimilarWeb is a service that evaluates the overall volume of traffic received by various websites. It enables you to see your rivals' main traffic sources, which are classified into six primary areas, including referring sites, social traffic, and top search phrases.

🙌 Is Ahrefs or Semrush more accurate?

With Ahrefs, you'll need to rely on additional third-party solutions to do this. Semrush offers phone help – but not Ahrefs. Our analysis indicates that Semrush's traffic estimations are more precise than those provided by Ahrefs.

Quick Links

Conclusion: Ahrefs Alternatives 2024

While Ahrefs continues to be our top pick for an all-around SEO tool, we recognize that there are a variety of factors that may cause you to look into alternatives to Ahrefs. If you’ve been dissatisfied with Ahrefs as of late, are searching for a cheaper alternative, or want to try out a new SEO toolset that focuses on newcomers, you have a few options.

Excellent alternatives to Ahrefs include Sitechecker Pro, SimilarWeb and Semrush.

Each of these softwares has its own set of benefits to offer, as well as low prices and straightforward interfaces. You may enhance your website and realize your digital marketing objectives with the aid of their extensive SEO features.

To establish which option to Ahrefs is most suitable for your purposes, it is important to take a close look at your unique requirements, budget, and degree of experience. Finding the right tool for the job can be difficult, but doing your homework and reading reviews will help you weigh the pros and cons of each option.

Regardless of the SEO tool you choose, investing in one is essential for enhancing your website’s performance, generating organic traffic, and remaining competitive in the digital landscape.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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