AffiliateWP vs Offerit | Which One To Choose (In-Depth Comparison)

In this post, I have featured AffiliateWP Vs Offerit Affiliate Marketing software comparison that includes an in-depth comparison between these two affiliate networks.

Having an Advertising business is not an easy task, and what’s most difficult is to choose the best methods to cater to your business online. There are numerous software’s like AffiliateWP, Offerit, and many more in the market to help you through it. Even after having so many options, it becomes a task to choose which one would work the best according to your requirements.

But, you need not worry now. Here I am giving a correlation between the two most popular driving members that are AffiliateWP and Offerit. I am providing you with Everything that you need to know about AffiliateWP and Offerit before making a choice among the two.

affiliatewp-vs-offerit comparison: overview

AffiliateWP vs Offerit : Overview

AffiliateWP: Overview

AffiliateWP is a component stacked WordPress subsidiary module for showcasing. It is planned in a basic structure that everybody with less specialized abilities can make their subsidiary program utilizing AffiliateWP.

Detailed overview of AffiliateWP-Offerit vs AffiliateWp

These overhauled and one of a kind highlights make this stage dependable and straightforward to utilize and comprehend. Clients can without much of a stretch beginning making their subsidiaries by fast strides in a couple of snaps. They can advance their administrations and items by utilizing a WPEngine-facilitated site.

It has demonstrated itself to be the most trusted offshoot module for WordPress locales in which a client can without much of a stretch make their partner program. They can’t make and deal with their offshoots, enlist associates, track referrals, and partner commissions.

Offerit: Overview

Offerit is a facilitated subsidiary system answer for any web-based business. We consolidate propelled constant detailing with incredible highlights and unparalleled day in and day out help.

Offerit and AffiliateWP: best affiliate network

Offerit engineers innovation that forces promoting systems, marketing firms, and offshoot programs over the web, improving the way toward building and dealing with a program, from start-up to significant business level. Headquartered directly outside of NYC, in New Jersey, Offerit’s veteran group carries trust and information to industry members and chiefs all around.

It is a facilitated associate system answer for any web-based business. We join propelled continuous detailing with ground-breaking highlights and incredible day in and day out help.

AffiliateWP vs Offerit : Specifications

General Information A stage stacked with the sack of highlights used to make WordPress associate projects. Offerit is a facilitated subsidiary system answer for any web-based business

List of of Key Feature


  • Affiliate Dashboard
  • Emails
  • Affiliate Coupon Tracking
  • Shortcodes
  • Affiliate URLs
  • Real-time Reporting
  • Affiliate Management
  • Manual Affiliate
  • Affiliate Registration
  • Automatic Affiliate Creation
  • Referral Rate Types


  • Referral Link Generator
  • Network Administration
  • CSS theme builder
  • AJAX powered report
  • Multi Language
  • Email management
  • Multi Currency
  • Payment method
  • Payment Admin
  • Affiliate Management
  • Affiliate Tracking

Pricing Model


  • One-time payment
  • Yearly payment
  • Monthly payment


  • Monthly payment
  • One time payment



  • Gravity
  • Zippy Courses
  • PayPal
  • Optimize Member
  • Contact Form 7
  • Stripe
  • Paid Memberships Pro
  • Restrict Content Pro
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • WooCommerce
  • Ninja Forms
  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • PayKickstart
  • ClickFunnel
  • ThriveThemes
  • Leadpages

AffiliateWP vs Offerit Integration comparison


Offerit can connect to any third party application or system as it’s as open API system

Available Devices


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Web-based


  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Web-based
  • Linux

AffiliateWP vs Offerit : Key Features


Affiliate WP Features vs Offerit

Simple to Set Up and Use: AffiliateWP is a speedy and straightforward program to introduce.

Exact Affiliate Tracking: It gives exact offshoot following on the workers’ working and a superb storing framework.

Payout Services: There isn’t any intermediator stage on which installments are made. All the exchanges are to be done straightforwardly from and to the clients’ financial balance.

Ongoing Reporting: As it underpins members following the snappy announcing of each follow up on the clients’ web page like checking the record of the guests on the site, website income, referrals, and offshoot enlistments.

Full Integration: It can work without much of a stretch coordinate with numerous well known WordPress eCommerce stages and a few participation modules to permit their clients to sell their items.

Numerous Affiliates: It can give a client boundless dynamic individuals to advance their items, site, and administrations.

Incalculable Creatives: There is a large number of visual assets or text connects that accompany the partners that make your site look stunning.

Member Coupon Tracking: You can utilize the partner coupon following by interfacing those coupon codes with some particular offshoot accounts.

Programmed Affiliate Creation: You can undoubtedly make your partner naturally by empowering the element of the programmed formation of individuals. All clients will be enrolled with their WordPress accounts, consequently on your site.

Manual Affiliate Creation: You can likewise make your subsidiaries physically and take member enrollments on your site. You are one dealing with everything on your site as an administrator as opposed to completing each errand naturally.

Simple Affiliate Management: Your subsidiary program administrations can be handily overseen by review partner accounts, top studs through subsidiaries, associate enrollments, and reports.

Referral Link Generator: This implicit component called referral connect generator is utilized to make referral joins from the associate zone on the subsidiary.

Associate Area: It is where clients can keep the records of their webpage’s presentation, website income, creatives, referral URL for a site, and so on.

Referral Types of Rate: Every client will have the power to choose between the rate referral rate and the level rate estimated on the per-item premise, per-subsidiary, or worldwide.

Simple Affiliate Registration: There is a default associate record framework utilized by each client to enrol their partners.

Associate URLs: Users can pick between pretty or non-pretty URLs. A subsidiary can have either a one of a kind offshoot URL or an individual ID.

Set-Cookie Expiration: The legitimacy of the referral following treats can be set according to the client’s needs.

Adjustable Emails: There are effectively adaptable email administrations like new referral warnings, notices, pending applications, associate endorsement, and dismissal.

Simple Shortcodes: Users can without much of a stretch set amicable shortcodes that can be utilized for the associate login structure, URLs, enrollments structure, and so forth.

Payout Logs: Users can get to the nitty-gritty payout log recorded in the sent documents to the associates from the payout screen.

Designer Friendly: Some different inherent layouts and snares have adaptable capacities and highlights.

REST API: It incorporated a component of REST API and expanded API, which is incorporated with the CRUD activities that come in support of additional items.

Fare Data to CSV: There is a CSV referral information record utilized by the merchants for bookkeeping, estimating, and accounting.

WP-CLI Integration: It offers WP-CLI orders that can be utilized to see, erase, make, and update information on AffiliateWP.

Made for WordPress: Users can have their WordPress site by controlling each capacity and highlights with AffiliateWP.

Completely Internationalized: It offers its clients to change their language inclinations according to their necessities and likings.

Client service: It offers the best email client service in the business.


Offerit vs AffiliateWP- Marketing Software Features

New Modern Look: The format and plan of Offerit has been fastidiously culminated to guarantee that it is both intuitive and straightforward to utilize, conforms to the most recent industry guidelines, and capacities appropriately overall programs. We worked intimately with Network Administrators, Affiliates, and Advertisers to make this familiar UI.

Overall Branding: Offerit has been created to enable your business to develop and flourish utilizing our devices. We guarantee that these apparatuses fit into your organization marking by permitting you to utilize your URLs, logos, hues, and topics.
Day in & Day out Support: in-house support is accessible using our help ticket framework, phone, or moment courier. Not exclusively will we investigate any issue you experience, we will joyfully help you in designing any part of your system.

Analysing & Reporting: With our broad, constant revealing, you and your associates and promoters will consistently know how your system is performing, regardless of how large your system is or develops to turn into. Realize that you own all data that your system creates, so you can without much of a stretch snatch your information anyplace and whenever.

Affiliate Conversion Tracking: Effectively set up the following total procedure in a way that best fits into your particular needs.

Payout: You can utilize Offerit to pay out per click, per activity, per deal, and per coherence without constraints on how or when you pay out your offshoots.

Your Affiliations: Members will direct people to your offers, augmenting transformations and deals. Offerit conveys a considerable measure of apparatuses to you and your offshoots to make this procedure apparent and accessible.

Advertising & Brandings: If you need to carry more proposals to your system, publicists will help you. Your partners can advance your promoters’ offers, and you will get a commission tweaked by you.

Administration: Affiliates get to level controls are a helpful apparatus for your system. On the off chance that you need to offer access to your workers, supervisors, or even bookkeepers, the procedure is simple, and records are easy to oversee. You can give explicit access and appoint jobs to your associates utilizing the incredible consent arrangement of Offerit.

Mails & Messaging: offers better support and produces more changes. Offerit’s unusual mailing and informing framework permits you to handily speak with the entirety of your associates, publicists, and clients dependent on any number of models.

AffiliateWP vs. Offerit : Performance Analysis


AffiliateWP is loaded with highlights to deal with their partner program without anyone else. It offers an astonishing evaluation with regards to highlights and its presentation.


Offerit additionally offers different highlights that are helpful for each sort of computerized advertiser. In any case, when contrasted with AffiliateWP, it doesn’t remain before it. On the off chance that you look for the modest stage and modify with less highlighted programming, you may discover Offerit a superior decision.

AffiliateWP vs Offerit : Security Concerns?

Security and well-being is a fundamental measure that is required by any client to confide in a site. In this way to keep up the security of data on a site is an essential undertaking to accomplish for each advertiser. In this way, you have to pick a stage that is sufficiently secure to keep up the wellbeing of your and your client’s information. Let us see the safety efforts of the accompanying virtual products in detail.


AffiliateWP has paid major attention to security concerns . It gives an ordinary update of its foundation to offer full security over the site’s substance, information about each client, makes secure installments, and so forth. It doesn’t have any joining with installment intermediates. All the installments through direct record exchanges.


There are no such customary updates offered by Offerit in its valuing plans. So you may need to purchase the redesigns independently to make your data and your clients’ information safe from outer dangers.

AffiliateWP vs Offerit : Customer Service/ Support

It is essential to have a solid client care group to deal with the client and their questions. Each product or stage needs to have a steady group that can be accessible with their assistance for the guests whenever they need it. Let us examine the help group of both AffiliateWP and Offerit client care administrations.


AffiliateWP has offered client care through messages. Be that as it may, it has outstanding amongst other client care administrations in the market, among different contenders. They have a unique group that helps their clients at whatever point they need them.


Offerit likewise gives the email client assistance administration and has an astounding client care administration. Yet, when contrasted with AffiliateWP, Offerit by one way or another needs its administrations.

In this way, in our recommendations, we will prescribe you to go with AffiliateWP with regards to client assistance, as the two of them offer email support.

AffiliateWP vs Offerit | Price Structure

AffiliateWP has paid significant attention to security concerns. It gives a regular update of its foundation to offer full security over the site’s substance, information about each client makes secure installments, and so forth. It doesn’t have any joining with installment intermediates—all the installments through direct record exchanges.

There are no such customary updates offered by Offerit in its valuing plans. So you may need to purchase the redesigns independently to make your data and your clients’ information safe from outer dangers.

AffiliateWP : Pricing

It offers four evaluating plans, beginning from the necessary arrangement that begins from $99 every year to the propelled estimating plan that goes to $499 as a one-time installment. Highlights continue expanding from the nuts and bolts to the propeller arrangement.

A few plans are offered with yearly installment administration and some with the one-time installment administration. It additionally offers a 30-day unconditional promise, and if you don’t get intrigued with its administrations, you can make a straightforward discount. So we should proceed to investigate the evaluating structures.

Pricing- AffiliateWP vs Offerit

Personal Pricing Plan

In the individual evaluating structure, you need to make installments yearly. To begin with this arrangement, you need to pay $99 every year. This evaluating program is useful for the freshers that have remained as a computerized advertiser:

⦁ Official 17 free add-ons
⦁ Email support
⦁ Plugin update
⦁ Included with all core features.

Plus Pricing Plan

In the personal pricing structure, you have to make payments yearly. To get started with this plan, you have to pay $149 per year. This pricing program is suitable for digital marketers looking forward to jumping in the market competition.

⦁ Three sites
⦁ Official 17 free add-ons
⦁ Email support
⦁ Plugin update
⦁ Included with all core features.

Professional Pricing Plan

In the individual valuing structure, you need to make installments yearly. To begin with this arrangement, you need to pay $249 every year. This evaluating program is appropriate for each computerized advertiser in the opposition. You can likewise tweak this estimating structure by having 14 favorable to additional items and paying $840 for the equivalent.

⦁ Official 17 free add-ons and all future pro-add-ons.
⦁ Email support
⦁ Plugin update
⦁ Included with all core features.

Ultimate Pricing Plan

In the individual estimating structure, you need to make installments yearly. To begin with this arrangement, you need to pay $499 as a one-time installment. This estimating program is reasonable for a progressed and experienced computerized advertiser in the opposition. You can likewise alter this estimating structure by having 14 favorable to additional items and paying $840 for the equivalent.

⦁ Official 17 free add-ons and all future pro-add-ons.
⦁ Unlimited Sites
⦁ Lifetime Email support
⦁ Lifetime Plugin update
⦁ Included with all core features.

Offerit : Pricing

Offerit has three plans to choose from, which are as follows:

Offerit vs AffiliateWP pricing comparison

Basic Plan

  • 249$ per month
  • Unlimited offers
  • No contracts

1000 click Plan

  • Unlimited users
  • Limitless reports
  • $0.99 per 1000 clicks
  • No setup fee

1$/GB Creatives Bandwidth

  • Unlimited Support
  • End of Month billing

AffiliateWP vs. Offerit| Affiliate Network Solution Testimonials

AffiliateWp Customer Review

AffiliateWP- Testimonials

Quick Links:

Conclusion: AffiliateWP vs Offerit 2024 | Which One Should You Choose?

No Affiliate Marketing Software will mandate to oblige all the prerequisites of an organization. Even though critical highlights of AffiliateWP and Offerit should matter you ought likewise cautiously to look at the reconciliations given by a given item. As a rule, your group will as of now be working with some different SaaS programming in your organization, and it’s much improved to choose applications that coordinate well with one another. With that approach, you will have the option to insure a substantial trade of data between your groups and applications, which can necessarily lessen time dedicated to moving between one arrangement and the following.

You have guided by looking at the two driving subsidiary advertising stages. I have inspected every conceivable component that can assist you in finding the fitting one. I have looked at its highlights, bolster administration, execution, and security administrations.

In the wake of breaking down each perspective, we would propose searching for AffiliateWP as your optimal partner promoting programming. Presently it is up to you what you decide for yourself.

If you really enjoyed AffiliateWP vs Offerit comparison please do like and share the post with your friends. Also, share your experience with me in the comment section.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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