Affiliate WP Vs Admitad 2024: Which Affiliate Network Is The Best? (In-Depth Comparison)

Some of you might be very clear with the concepts between Affiliate WP vs Admitad; some might just have heard the terms and others would be the one who is unaware of these terms. First of all, you should know that here I am going to talk about affiliate marketing. Also, In this write-up I am going to provide you an in-depth comparison of AffiliateWP vs Admitad. Let’s go through the concepts together.

The concept of affiliate marketing is all about finding new ways to grow your business. Business owners work very hard to achieve things they have dream of. It gets challenging to pace up with all other similar businesses that have already grown up. Affiliate marketing people are professionals who will help the business owners through their way to the top. They help your business grow to a very high level online through different techniques.

Affiliate marketing can never provide you with success in a night as getting healthy needs time. But it truly gives you a hand to come up in front and be the star. It will help you get introduced with customers that are loyal to you and your product.

It was in all history when it was challenging to find an affiliate marketer, and they were costly too. But in today’s world, it is not that difficult to find them, and they are not harsh on pocket as well.

Affiliate WP Vs Admitad 2024: Which Is The Best Affiliate Network?

Affiliate WP:

Affiliate WP is a packed program creation platform with several features designed especially for Word press users. It consists of specially designed tools that help businesses to grow worldwide and can increase their profit.

Affiliate WP:

Through this application, Businesses can join hands with affiliates. Affiliates can attract more customers to trust the brand through various marketing techniques designed by them. They are also responsible for driving traffic to business sites. They attract the customer and convert them from window shoppers to the buying customer.

Affiliate WP can let the users integrate more than 20 e-commerce platforms and services. This feature in-built in affiliate WP lets the user be more dynamic. It lets the user select and integrates all their favorite tools.



Admitad is CPA Affiliates Network promoting platform. It obliges both advertisers as well as publishers and furnishes them with both the worldwide reach affiliate network as well as a unique set of tools. It additionally has capabilities that will address different necessities and prerequisites of the client.


This is a product that will support the user or the publicist to increase the traffic to their website and lift their sales through valid affiliate program advancement. This is done with their list of additional around 770000 publishers from over the world.

Admitad gives its clients skills with expertise in traffic executives and commitment. It additionally offers its type of assistance in rates, moderation of distributors and a lot more highlights to guarantee development and achievement of the affiliate programs.

Admitad is also for publishers, and It encourages them with the most modern instruments and technologies to supervise and monetize their content and driven traffic successfully. It likewise causes them to access affiliate programs by the world’s world’s most significant and fruitful brands.

What Problems Are Solved By Admitad?

Admitad vs Affiliate WP affiliate network

1. It Is Challenging To Know Which Customer Has Entered The Family Through What Affiliate:

Through the internal monitoring system and several simple tools, violations are tracked and detected. Brand Guard is a feature present in the application which is used explicitly for observing the web indexes keyword queries. It also protects the brand offers. This feature is capable of catching all the contextual queries, in the web search tool, provided through the advertisers. ICStuffer is a tool that is correctly used to control the traffic.

The feature we are talking about was designed under the assistance of the experts of admitad specialists brands. ICStuffer works magnificently when we talk about the identification of all the modern techniques for cookie stuffing. This feature also enlists the cookies automatically. This feature is wonderfully capable of recording the event logs like the time and place of cookie stuffing. Admitad’s internal statistical system plays an essential role in detecting violators.

2. Adblock And Other Diverse Advertisement Blockers Are Indispensable Components of The Digital Advertising Industry And Also A Familiar Place:

Admitad ordinarily performs experiments and test various banners present. It also tests the links of an advertisement on the pages. It also introduces the various browser extensions. These activities done by admitad has a reason behind them, and the reason is to prevent the blocking the genuine content for future use.

The other reason for these activities is to avoid the breaks in the tracking system against the target actions. With practicing these activities, Admitad tries to resolve the various issues coming in front of publishers and advertisers in lesser time. Admitad never lacks in improving their tracking capability. The most target actions by the affiliate channels are also captured with the help of this feature.

Through this feature, it becomes easier for the publishers to concentrate their focus on traffic monetization with high specificity without fighting other battles.

3. Standardization And Compliance Are The Enforcement Regulations Taken By GRPR:                              Admitad guarantees that the work is regulated and charged. Admitad generally does screening and then provides tax accounting. The application has features that are all regulated with the legal requirements presented by the State. The application cares about the users and always lower the difficulty level.

It would be difficult for the users to keep compliance in place, so Admitad does this work for you beforehand. Admitad works efficiently to ensure that the parties involved follow the regulations presented by GDPR.

Admitad has won the award of “Great User Experience Award 2018 Award” awarded by Finance online and as well as the award of “Rising Star 2018 Award” awarded by Finance Online.

Benefits of Affiliate WP:

AffiliateWP vs Admitad - Integration

  • They Get Network Control Power: Affiliate WP gives the power to the user to control all the aspects of the program creation. They can easily track and manage their very own affiliates; however, they want to. They can also set up their affiliate payment scheme.
  • Management Is Integrated: Affiliate WP utilizes WordPress platform and successfully creates an affiliate tracking website. Through the WordPress platform, it creates management websites for businesses. It makes it easier for the user to navigate the website and work with user-friendly tools. It makes the management process easy too; The administrators can effortlessly view and edit the accounts. They do not face difficulties in commission payouts and other features as well.
  • It Provides An Affiliate Area: WordPress also contains an affiliate dashboard. Through this dashboard, the affiliates and partners can track their performances. It also makes it easier to view future payouts and gives access to creative content to be used for marketing purposes.
  • Real-Time Information Reporting Feature: Real-time information is provided to the users through Affiliate Wp about their affiliates. They get the data required in the form of report as well as in graph format. This makes it easier for the user to look over all the activities and events, and they can easily make informed decisions whenever required.
  • Tools For Developers: Affiliate WP is aware that the user might be wishing to utilize other services and solutions as well. So, it provides a feature for the user that allows them to access the API; it allows businesses to connect their affiliate programs with other available systems.

 Benefits Of Admitad:

Admitad and Affiliate WP comparison- features

  • Perfect Transparency: Admitad provides perfect transparency which is essential for trust. Advertisers know about their publishers, have the details about the advertisement deal, rates, ad spaces and other essential factors.

Brandguard is a feature in Admitad which monitors the critical queries of the search engines. Also, it protects the brand bidding. Through the help of Brandguard, the advertisers can select how they wish their resources to be managed and tracked through a search engine even before placing their ads.

  • There Is A Tool In Admitad Names As ICStuffers: This tool is excellent in tracking and analyzing the type of traffic that is streaming in the advertiser’s campaigns. It can distinguish the inferior quality traffic and filter it, and can also determine whether the traffic is due to the deceitful activities included. Through this, the malicious traffic can be blocked, and it will mitigate the impact and will protect your brand from those different negative impacts due to brand traffic.
  • Expertise Learning And Training: Affiliate marketing network has consistently been a convolution field, but now Admitad has made it simple for the clients, both the distributor as well as the sponsor. Admitad teaches both the publishers as well as advertisers by providing training courses, analytics as well as the content through Admitad Academy. Admitad educates both advertisers as well as publishers about the ins and outs in affiliate marketing. The objective of admitad for educating both the parties is to furnish them with the information they need to succeed.
  • Advice from Unique And High-Class Advisors: When it comes to providing the users with expert advice and guidance on the client’s affiliate marketing campaign, Admitad utilizes an individual and client-centred approach. Clients are free to access a team of account managers who will be accessible 24*7 and are eager to give industry guidance and information to their clients any time of the day.

Features Provided By Affiliate WP:

Affiliate WP vs Admitad comparison review

  • The “affiliate tracking” feature
  • The “Affiliate coupon tracking” feature
  • The “Automatic affiliate creation.”
  • The “Affiliate management” feature
  • The “Affiliate URLs” feature
  • The “Manual Affiliate Approval” feature
  • The “Affiliate dashboard” feature
  • The “Emails” feature
  • The “Referral link generator” feature
  • The “Referral rate types” feature
  • The “Real-time reporting” feature
  • The “Shortcodes” feature
  • The “Data export” feature
  • The “Integration” feature

Businesses demand an application that can fit their all types of needs, but it is difficult for any application to achieve that expectation. The practical solution for this problem is to jot down the key aspects which require attention such as significant features, pricing, business size, technical skill levels of staff and many more.

After jotting it down, The next step should be the product research done systematically. It would be best if you then browsed through some affiliate WP evaluations and should explore each of the shortlisted software systems in detail.

This systematic research will prevent wasting of time and money in investing in software that is not entirely made for your business. It is better to spend time and money with software that suits your business requirements very well. If you are now thinking about considering Affiliate Wp, then the other subcategories may be a benefit too.

Every business is different and has different requirements. The characteristics of every business are different from one another. However, they may require different affiliate marketing software solutions.

This affiliate marketing software solution would be designed according to the needs of the particular company’s characteristics such as company size, types of clients, types of employees working and also according to the type of industries they cater to.

It is not very smart to search for a software that will work just casually with every company, but it is better to select a software that works best for your company. It would be a great idea to look into a few AffiliateWP Affiliate marketing system software reviews.

Features Provided By Admitad:

Admitad reports and features

  • For Advertisers Admitad Provide:
    • Codes and coupons
    • XML feed
    • Anti-fraud service
    • Bonus program
    • Referral link
    • Epicstars
    • Special promos
  • For Publishers Admitad Provide:
    • Moneyline
    • Promo codes and coupons
    • Chrome extension
    • XML feed
    • Google Ad integration
    • Admitad API
    • Lost orders
    • Guest access
    • Broken Links
    • Postback URL
    • SubID
    • Cookie Checker
    • Deeplink Generator
    • Link checker
    • Retag
    • Mobile App
    • Ad server

Every business has its needs and characteristics, and searching for software that suits all the requirements of all types of business is just over expectations. It is better to try different software that suits the need of your business and not just use the one competitors are using.

The right way to take in these kinds of situations is first to form a list of the possible software that may be able to fulfil your requirements and can be useful for your business to the maximum of its use. Go through all the aspects that need to be viewed before choosing any application for your business. These aspects may be business size, price, types of employees and many others.

Then take a look at the Admitad evaluation report and explore the applications present in the list correctly. Take out all the applications that are not matching with your specifications and then finally subscribe to the application that suits best to your requirements.

If you are keen on Admitad, it would be incredible to take a look into other subcategories present in Affiliate marketing software which were gathered in the Admitad database of the B2B programming audits.

Companies have different unique requirements, and it is just pointless wasting time in searching for an ideal application that suits the needs of every industry or business.

The better and smart way for the same is to adapt the present application according to your individual needs, worker skill level, your budget and various other essential factors. No need to speed up and invest infamous and well-advertised solutions as they might be not the solutions for you. Investigate every application thoroughly and know their pros and cons well.

Cost of AffiliateWP:

AffiliateWp vs Admitad pricing comparison

  • Free trial- As the name suggests it is free
  • Personal- It will cost you $99/annual payment
  • Plus- It will cost you pocket $14/annual payment
  • Professional- This pack will ask for $249/annual payment
  • Ultimate- It will cost you about $499/annual payment

Let Us Go Through The Detailed Features of The Type of Plans Available:

  1. Personal- costing your pocket $99/annual payment
    1. 15 free add ons
    2. Plugin updates provided
    3. Email support feature
    4. 1 Site
  2. Plus- costing your pocket $14/annual payment
    1. 15 free add ons
    2. Plugin updates provided
    3. Email support available
    4. 3 Sites
  3. Professional- Costing your pocket $249/annual payment
    1. 14 Pro add ons available
    2. All future Pro add ons available
    3. Plugin updates available
    4. Email support provided
    5. Unlimited sites
  4. Ultimate– Costing your pocket $499/annual payment
    1. 14 pro add ons available
    2. All future pro-add ons available
    3. Lifetime plugin updates available
    4. Lifetime Email support provided
    5. Unlimited sites

Cost of The Admitad According To Different Plans:

  • Free trial- As the name suggests, it is free but will not give the user all the features available in the application.
  • Quote- based plan

Technical Details About Affiliate WP:

  • It supports Windows, Mac and web-based devices
  • Its deployment is cloud-hosted and open API
  • It supports the English language
  • The pricing model is the monthly payment
  • Types of customers are- Small business, Large enterprises, Medium business and freelancers
  • Email support system

Technical Details About Admitad:

  • It supports web-based devices
  • It is a cloud-hosted deployment
  • It supports English, Russian, Hindi and Polish language
  • Its pricing model is Quote based
  • The types of customers are- Small companies, Large business and Medium business

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Affiliate WP vs Admitad 2024 | Best Affiliate Network?

Through the information provided, you might have got a good idea about both terms- AffiliateWP and Admitad. Both have great features to offer its users. The basic concept for both of them is that every business has its own needs and requires an application that suits its characteristics the best.

The application you choose is not to be the most leading and most advertised one but the one that will help the business to fly in the air. The business owner works hard day and night, and it is just a waste of money and time if the application chosen does not entirely fulfil the needs of the business.

So go through the list provided and check all the characteristics of an application and then decide about one. Find about the pros and cons of the application first and then subscribe for your future work. And, If you really enjoyed this post please do like and share this post with your friends. Also, share your experience with me in the comment section.

Kashish Babber
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Kashish is a B.Com graduate, who is currently follower her passion to learn and write about SEO and blogging. With every new Google algorithm update she dives in the details. She's always eager to learn and loves to explore every twist and turn of Google's algorithm updates, getting into the nitty-gritty to understand how they work. Her enthusiasm for these topics' can be seen through in her writing, making her insights both informative and engaging for anyone interested in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization and the art of blogging.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

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  1. Te pido por favor que escribas bien en español, porque lo tuyo según lo que pude leer de este artículo, fue un copiar y pegar de otro sitio. Un texto en español mal redactado. Gracias!

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