20+ Top Free High Authority Blog Submission Sites Lists 2024

Getting top blog submissions sites 2024 for your blog is very tedious job, so today I am going to present you a wonderful list of High PR blog submission websites that will help you to get backlinks for your blog. These all sites are very good and if you use them for your blog , I am sure you will be benefited a lot. So why not use and start building quality backlinks.

Below I’ll share a list of free blog directories where you can submit you blog right after finish reading this posts. I have submitted my blog for those directories !!!! You can easily promote your blog through these websites.

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Free High PR Blog Directories list

 Free High Authority Blog Submission Sites/Directories Lists 2024



As of now, you might be aware of the SEO abbreviated as Search engine optimization. So, there will be many experts who are ready to provide you the SEO services. But, why to spend so much money on those experts when you can learn and do the same for your website. So, the SEO ranks are not like you have posted content and images and done. It is not like the fixed deposit of your bank. Google is updating their search algorithms only for its users. So, if the user spends more time on your SEO page then you will have the good SEO rank. But, if you don’t have the best SEO page then search engine algorithm will never pick your blog for its user.

Blog Submission For SEO

So, to ensure the SEO rank of your website the blog submission is essential for the SEO purpose. Blog submission is the best way for your SEO because here you will target the relevant keywords for your user. So, the user hits the keyword in the search engine and lands on your SEO page and they show the interest on your content. This is the way you earn traffic for your blog. So, you are dragging the attention of the visitors towards your blog with the blog submission which will eventually increase the traffic of your website.

Blog submission helps you to create a backlink for your SEO page. This is the best way to increase the authority of your website in the search engine. So, it will automatically increase the traffic of your website. If you are looking for the high ranking SEO then you must post the regular and good amount of content to your website.

The content is the king for your website and it will help you to boost the income to your website by keeping the users interested on the content. Blogs also don’t have the content and the keywords inserted into it. It also has the images, videos and audios which keep the users busy and improves the SEO scores as they will spend the longer time on your website.

Blog is considered as off page SEO optimization, so if you are having a blog for your website then you must have the best SEO page to boost the traffic of your website.

Now, you know the benefits of your blog submission in SEO, and then now you also should know the importance of having a blog. Blog is essential to get many backlinks for your website to get more traffic on your website. Google search engine algorithm is designed beautifully and they can easily track whether the content is the copy paste of content available on web. So, never copy paste the content from somewhere else and write the fresh piece of content with the relevant keywords inserted into the article naturally.

You must be good at branding if you are looking to build the regular audience for your website. So, start targeting the social media as social media is powerful when it comes to drive the traffic more for your website. Now, to ensure that the driven traffic on your website remains interested on the content you have posted then insert the audio and video clips for the readers to enjoy their content. The audio and video clips make it interesting for the users.

Drive More Traffic From Guest Blogging,

Another way to drive more traffic is guest blogging, so you will have to do some guest blogging to the popular websites and then the people will come to your blog to read about your content. This trick also helps to drive more traffic to your blog. Add tags to the content which is picked by the search engine algorithm easily. So, in short you are describing your data. Also, don’t forget to add the relevant images to your content.

Now, having the blog and not updating the blog with the fresh content on the regular basis doesn’t make sense. So, in this competitive world you should always post the content regularly. This will keep your regular visitors engaged and then you will have the good amount of traffic continuously on your website. Blog submissions are the essential factors to increase the SEO and traffic of your page as you are going to submit your blog in different websites which will get you the backlink and it will helpful to drive the traffic to your website.

Check out :  New Best High Authority Do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites

Conclusion: Free High Authority Blog Submission Sites 2024

Now, you know that just by posting content you will not get visitors on your website. You should also put efforts on other areas to enhance the count of visitors on your website. The road to popularity is not easy but once you reach there then there is no looking back. But, to reach there you have to put lot of efforts and the blog submission is one of them.

So, what are you waiting for go and submit your blog on the above mentioned websites and then increase the count of visitors on your website.

So, what are you waiting for go and enjoy the success and feel free to share more information to us so that we can keep others and ourselves updated.

So I hope you enjoy this great list and will submit your blog to these directories. So dont wait just go there and submit your blog and get more traffic to your blog.  If you have any more sites to share , please drop the links in the comments below!!!  I would be glad to know more keep sharing !!

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Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on BloggersIdeas.com

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded Digiexe.com, a digital marketing agency, and Bytegain.com, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (377)

  1. First of all, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Bloggerideas as you have shared an amazing list of blog submission sites. But I was having a problem while making backlinks that which site to give more preference because you didn’t mention the DA of these sites and rest was nice.Our team comprises of creative professionals with revolutionary ideas, bestowing clients who demand resourceful interactive website, mobile applications and business strategies to establish brand identity in digital space. Recognized as SEO Services Company in Bangalore, we are here to assist those who wish to do things differently.

  2. I was wondering to find blog commenting sites but finally got the unique collection of blog commenting sites.

  3. wonderful list. I was wondering u did not mention the most sought after terminology used in all the blog commenting articles and that being dofollow.

  4. First of all, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Bloggerideas as you have shared an amazing list of blog submission sites. But I was having a problem while making backlinks that which site to give more preference because you didn’t mention the DA of these sites and rest was nice.

    Once Again Thanks.

  5. very important to get the backlink. Thank you so much for sharing these with us.

  6. The way you presented this list of blog commenting sites are very appreciable. This is such a perfect list of Blog Commenting sites submission sites. Blog Commenting sites submission sites is a good way to promote our/your business.Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Jitendra,

    It is kind of you for sharing. I think that website list provided to us is very useful. These will provide needed information, also bring traffic to the website.


  8. hello, Jitendra Vaswani
    You have done a great job and all the sites are great for submitting a blog.
    I had already submitted my website in a few sites like Alltop, Blogorama, now I am going to add my website in other reliable sites.

  9. Nice list of blog commenting sites.
    I think, it’s time of getting the back link from niche relevant blog post.

  10. Hello Jitendra Vaswani,

    You have provided all valuable blog submission sites list in one place that is really helpful for me. I am able to follow them and add my website. I like the way you have listed and explained. I really appreciate your hard work, KEEP IT UP.

    Thanks a lot!

  11. Thank you for this list! When I have more time I’ll see which ones still work. Seems like some of the links are not working anymore.

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  18. this is great list. This is not crap, am glad you did manually check them all before dropping the list.
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  21. Huge collection dude, It will take some time go through it. Thanks

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  23. Wonderful collection of commenting sites. I really like it. It will be very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing such insights. Great work. Much appreciated. thanks

  24. Wonderful collection of commenting sites. I really like it. It will be very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing such insights. Great work. Much appreciated.

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  34. Valuable piece of information on this article. Keep up the good work Jitendra.

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    Thanks a ton

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  46. wow …this list really helps me creating back links and seo strategies…i have used some of the links for create blog commenting.

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  49. That is actually obvious. This will assist business person or marketer to level up or perk up their PR. So I have to concur that if you make use of them for your blog, you will be benefited a lot. Good list of blog directories! I will check it out later. Keep sharing and posting valuable post.

  50. Impressive and very Informative content. Thank You sharing for your valuable post.

  51. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. Good work and do more blogging

  52. Very great blogs ..thanks for the list ! Really helped me a lot & increases my seo rankings

  53. Blog was very simple , unique ,easy & interesting … thanks for your list !

  54. There are so many information on this website and many benefits to get this site. And this is Awesome list, something that seo experts can use in making their business sites more popular online. Thanks Jitendra for sharing the necessary information with everyone.

  55. Hi Jitendra, It was a quick and simple solutions to listing the blogs. Its good collection of links you got there. Some of them are may be broken or down. I don’t know. But I am sure you are regularly looking into it and hopefully will replace them. I appreciate your efforts to find the high authority sites for readers and bloggers. Good job.

  56. wonderful and good article this is.
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  57. Hey Dude your’e just awesome.
    Thanks For sharing this awesome list. Love you

  58. It was an thought provoking blogs ! We enjoyed reading ! Thanks fro your blogs !

  59. Woh! That’s quite a long list – Gonna be up all night submitting my blog on them ? Thanks vidya for such an Epic list.

  60. It was an unimaginable list ! thanks for the useful blogs ! keep sharing list !

  61. You really shared an amazing list ! It was very useful …Thank you , keep blogging !

  62. Very Good List. Really helpful one. Must say it’s a unique list. I have never found these blogs before. Thanks.

  63. Thank you Sir ,
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    keep sharing informative posts

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  65. Thanks for sharing the valuable blogs & it was really helpful to us !

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  67. Hi Jitendra
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    Good article! This is really a nice explanation thank you very much about this information. submitting a blog in such type of blog directories that can be helpful for getting more traffic to blog.
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  89. amazing list of new bloggers like me..hope this will really help in boosting my blog ranking in search engines…!!

  90. Hi ,

    It was really a good list but noticed that you have added blogaramma twice .

  91. Awesome list, something that seo experts can use in making their business sites more popular online

  92. Good article! This is really a nice explanation thank you very much about this information. Thanks for Sharing….

  93. Hey Thanks for the List . I am a dumb in SEO and Wanted to get some help.

  94. many thanks for this list . this site is very useful for me. and really i will send to my all friends

  95. Hello Jitendra,
    I have recently started a Blog and was looking for places to submit the blog for getting more traffic. You have done a fabulous job here. But there is one thing I would like to mention is that many sites in the list are premium and few of them are even shut down. You can look down to this and filter the list if you can. Thanks a lot for your help.


  96. Sir, I want to know something more i.e how we can improve our traffic and how we can maintain consistency of our traffic on our website.Please help me, sir, I’m pretty more confused about this topic.And thank you, sir, for sharing your knowledge with us.

  97. Thank you for Free High Pr Submission Sites list. Its really helpful for us.

  98. thnk u so much for sharing a site press release list a very useful sites

  99. Great Article! It is really informative and innovative, keep me posted with new updates.

  100. Hey Jithendra! Thanks for your sharing this article. This content really helpful me. I hopefully you will release another great article also. Thanks

  101. Thanks a lot buddy. I just started my blog and I hope this will be very useful for a newbie.

  102. Thanks for this excellent post. But some of the links are broken in this list, please update the list

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  105. Thanks for sharing high pr bloglist. It will be helpful us to backlink

  106. nice collection of sites…but max site are not working please check it once and update new list

  107. At least I visited your site over 10 times, today I come back to say thank you. These information is very useful!

  108. Thanks for sharing the valuable information about Latest Top Free High PR Blog Submission Sites Lists 2017 we are a engaged in design, development, manufacture and supply of customized factory & warehouse automation systems based in Mumbai.

  109. Hi, Jitendra.
    Happy New Year 2017.

    Very happy to find blog submission sites list! Thanks for sharing very useful post with us.

  110. I am a really newbie to blogging, so I want to learn new stuff to promote my blog. I think I just read the most interesting article for today.

    Thank you so much for this list !!! Much appreciated !!!

  111. Hi jeetendra

    Thanks a lot for providing this awesome list, i was looking for from long time.

  112. Great and amazing do follow links for my website and this articles is worth of reading for the newbies like me.

  113. Thank you for sharing this great list of high pr DoFollow blogs and helpful to earn high PR backlinks by leaving comments. I Rally appreciate for your contribution to arrange all this things. thanks again

  114. great and amazing dofollow links for my blog and this articles is worth of reading for the newbies like me

  115. Thanks for sharing all the top blog submission sites. with your post i have submitted my blog to all the above high pr blog submission sites

  116. WOW… I am really appreciating you such a great information shared with us..

  117. Hi, Thanks for sharing amazing high pr site list. Also you have shared dofollow site list. Your link also very effective.
    Plz write more for us. Thanks again for your good job and take care.

  118. Hey Jitendra, Nice to be share helpful blogger site for us and most of sites get better backlink than other website. We are providing web services so you can also check our website.

  119. Hey, Jitendra thank you for sharing list. It helps lots of newbie blogger for creating backlinks.

  120. Hey Jitendra,
    Thank you for sharing this great list of high PR Do Follow blogs and helpful to earn high PR back links by leaving comments. I Rally appreciate for your contribution to arrange all this things.

  121. Nice article sir. All these blog submission sites will help me to submit my blog. It will help to get some quality backlinks and increase my traffic. Thanks for your excellent article.

  122. I am surprised you missed one of the top blog directories, bloggingfusion.com google search blog directory or blog directories and these guys are the top spot?

    They offer free and paid submission, but also have blogger statistics and giveaways…something to check out!


  123. Hi, Came across this while looking for blog submission sites. Nice collection. I randomly checked just two of the list – one is not free, requires $10 payment and the other doesn’t allow new user registration. You might want to have a look at these sites again. I will check some more and see if they work.

  124. thanks a lot these links are really very helpfull for me . you have made a good collection of backlinking websites

  125. Hey Jitendra,
    I found this blog when I was looking for a different
    sort of information wonderful collection, but I was very
    happy and glad to read through your blog. The
    information available here is really great. Btw this is really an awesome list of high pr blog submission sites.
    Thank you 🙂

  126. Hello Jitendra !
    I would like to say a big THANKS to you because you shared that list.
    It really helps a lot to all newbie like me. But in all directory sites that you’ve shared I really really LIKE only the “BD BLOG DIRECTORY”
    It is 100% free and it is so easy to fill up. After I successfully submitted my blog I got 17 views in my blog in just 1min.

    Thanks once again ! Keep it up !

  127. Thanks Jitendra have put these high pr blog sites with this blog, these source are very relevant and best for SEO terms for getting backlinks.

  128. thank you, Jitendra for sharing this massive lists.

    One quick question : Is it still effective in 2016 space?

  129. Thanks to supply these essential blog to create backlinks on high pr blogs

  130. very useful sites on blog submission…some sites are not working but there more sites yet for submission…really helpful…

  131. Thanks to providing these precious blog to create backlinks on high pr blogs 🙂

  132. I should say bravo like in a single word. This updated list is really helpful for getting all the bloggers altogether. Basically, I am owner of “Namaste UI” and follow some of blogger that you have mentioned in the list.

    Things like, this surely motivate all the new bloggers who are getting hike among the blogger’s platform. It would be really good if regular basis update stays constantly in this list. Thanks a lot.

  133. Hi Jitendra
    You’re really a virtual partner
    Thanks for sharing this useful list of blog submission sites. I submitted my blog to many of these sites

  134. Great blog! Do you have any hints for aspiring writers?
    I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m a little
    lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option?
    There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused
    .. Any suggestions? Appreciate it!

  135. Hello jitendra

    Thanks for sharing this useful list of blog submission sites. I am defiantly going to submit my blog on these sites 🙂

  136. Blog submission is one of the best methods of building quality links. I’m building links through this technique from a long time and getting great results in form of higher ranking in search engines. I was wondering a new list of Blog submission sites and found your blog.

  137. Hi Jitendra
    Thanks for sharing this useful list of blog submission sites. I am defiantly going to submit my blog on these sites 🙂

  138. Nice list of blog submissions site list. But problem is some sites are asking for reciprocal links. Is it safe to use this strategy now?

  139. Thank you so much for this list Jitendra. Appreciate it immensely. I’m just starting out to build authority for my website/blog and this should help a bunch.

  140. Good List compiled for free blog submission.thanks a lot for helpful list.thank you so much.

  141. Great list..!! Few directories are of PR5 also.But they are asking for reciprocal links.What to do ?

  142. Hi Jitendra,

    You have written a wonderful post here. Here you have mentioned very useful; high PR blog submission sites. I found it more useful.

    Thanks a lot.

  143. Hi Jitendra vaswani i am very glade to read your blog submission contant for our blog and site promotion in social media and search engin but i want to know how to gott a good responce by blogging site to mine blog and site .
    When you free or read my comment then reply bcz i waiting your good responce here .

    Thanks & Regards
    Monikadubey from new delhi
    More visit here :

  144. Hey Jitendra,

    Thanks a lot for building such a helpful list. I think Indiblogger could have been added to the list. Anyway awesome list, and again, thank you so much. 🙂

  145. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful High PR Blog Submission Sites Lists. All the sites are working. You have done a excellent job.

    Have a Great Day !!!!!!

  146. hi, jitender can u please guide me how to make mony by using blog commenting

  147. Thankyou Admin, nice collection, this will help me lots in my posting..

    Thanks alots
    Zia Saiyed

  148. This is really very good list, I need this list very badly thanks, I will come back and give feedback about this, I hope I will get couple of good links from this list.


  149. i here very nice list of blog submission site for my blog, this is really good list but need to improve because listed some useless site. thanks for sharing this list.

  150. thanks for sharing this list. its so useful and easy for blog comment to this list.

  151. Thanks a lot bro.
    such a great resources. I am a new in blogging. So these sites list helps me to promote my new blog.
    Thanks again

  152. I have tried the hole list. Its really nice to say that all are working very well. Before this i has others list of blog for comment from different website, but the list which they are provided was not good enough. Now i have get the real and quality list. Thank you for this article!

  153. Thanks for the List, you are awesome i think you are far far better than self branded so called pro bloggers from Hyderabad@@

  154. Hello Jitendra Vaswani, Thanks for sharing Directory submission sites. Directory submission is still effective for blog. Directory submission is play important role of off page seo.

  155. Really you did had work for collecting this, but i think one must try to find out those websites which are related to the project they are marketing.

  156. Thanks for the great list of sites to submit to. I have submitted my site to others but hey did not help much so looking forward to seeing some results from theses.
    Thanks again

  157. After Read, I think your blog is based on SEO and Really helpful for SEO learners. And I have to mention that your blog really help me to understand how to increase a websites traffic. Thanksss dear for creating and sharing such useful and helpful sites for us.

  158. Thank you for sharing this great list of high pr DoFollow blogs and helpful to earn high PR backlinks by leaving comments. I Rally appreciate for your contribution to arrange all this things.

  159. Thanks for sharing such nice blog list. these blogs submission driving traffic to my website.

  160. Thanks for your submission web site list ,It’s terribly helpful on behalf of me and for my SEO work.

  161. Much informative and useful sites, I was really found of such sites, actually very nice sharing

  162. Thanks for huge list blog submission directory. Your blog submission directory lists are great help to me. Your site is extremely useful for all any bloggers.

  163. very informative article and all the websites are having very easy and having very high alexa ranking. thanks

  164. Good list of the best free high PR blog submission directories list. Submitting a blog in such type of blog directories that can be helpful for getting more traffic to blog.

  165. Even I was surprised by your list. I have been collecting directories since about 2005. Many of them have been delisted/deindexed by Google in the meantime so they are of little use anymore. But your list above only had three hits in my EXCEL sheet that were duplicates (i.e. I had unearthed them before). So you made my day with this list, thanks!

  166. Sir, your list was really helpful for my SEO Projects…..some sites are not working now otherwise all are working really well and i read your some posts really good…….and again thanks for sharing with useful information with us…..

  167. Man oh man what an awesome list. I checked all of them one by one bro and each of them are really good. Slightly off topic wanted to ask whether All in one seo plugin is better than Yoast. Waiting for your answer!

  168. thank you its really helpful and its good way to submit your blog.thank you

  169. Thanks for your submission site list ,It’s very useful for me and for my SEO work.

  170. Thanks for the share. Only 1-2 links are paid and 1-2 links are not working. I would request you to update the list. Again thanks for the blog keep posting.

  171. First thanks for your important list. This post help for link building process. Great Post, I love to read articles that are informative and actually have good content.

  172. Hello Jitendra, very helpful list. Can you suggest some sites to add my internal links and not just the homepage ? Thanks

  173. Keep up the good work , I read few blog posts on this site and I think that your blog is really interesting and has got loads of useful information.

  174. thanks a lot dear for the list, i have been looking for this list and finally got it here, cheers!

  175. hi,this is masum.Thanks for giving us your collection.can you give more Do follow blog list,please!!!!!

  176. That is the most detailed list of blog-submission-sites that I have encountered across the web since most of the other lists contained broken or invalid links but your selection surely rocks. I already checked the sites recommended here and must say they really work.

  177. After such a list, I found a blog submission sites. It’s really pleasure for me. Thank you very much such type of post share with us.

  178. Thanks for sharing this list… this is amazing , its helps me alot….. Thanks again for sharing with us .!!!

  179. hello Mr. many article that publish about submit blog to directory to improve blog traffic, but when the directory link clicked, its not work.. but yours is good, its work. good job. Thanks for the share.

  180. Thanks for the list! I’m kinda new to SEO so I don’t know if submitting to directories still has the same power it did a few years back. Hope it does some good! Cheers!

  181. Hi
    Nice Post about the Blog Commenting sites provides leadership to further develop major into a worldwide.

  182. Thanks for the links! Just one point however, blogville.us which I just submitted mentions that a wait of 180 days needed for new blog’s to be updated unless a payment is made to expedite the process!!

  183. Thanks Admin for sharing Very Valueable Website links, Its Great Link for getting Some much Traffic. … Excellent work.

    Thank you

  184. Hey Admin… Thanks for sharing useful & the best blogs…
    These blogs are very good for a website…

  185. Good Blog sir… your blog is very helpful.. I am happy to find this post very useful for me, as it contains lot of information.

  186. I really like it and it also help me to build back links. Thanks for your hard work 🙂

  187. Excellent and superb site submission list.Great post thanks for share this helpful information. Excellent result..again thank you so much.

  188. can you tell me what are the disadvantages of Reciprocal links? btw thank you for sharing thins details…

  189. Hi
    Nice blog sites I am impressed by it….. these sites use by me and also effective..

  190. thanks this is really helpful for me.
    But i have a question about submission. we really need submission??? is submission is important or not.?

  191. Very Good List. Really helpful one. Must say it’s a unique list. I have never found these blogs before. Thanks.

  192. excelient and superb site submission list.Great post thanks for share this helpful information. excelient result..again thank you somuch.

    • thanks for sharing a wonderful site all site are very good working i have check all site and mostly site are very good working please keep it up

  193. this is really a good post.
    I was really need this..
    I really love and like this
    Thanks again.
    Please keep updating…

  194. Hey hi Jitendra,

    Excellent collection of the site, this will surely help me 🙂

  195. Awesome! Now, since everybody’s talking about Kingged, I think I;d have to check it out as well. 🙂

  196. thankyou so much for sharing these Blog Subission sites with us once again thanks soooo much

  197. I have a website but i have no visitor but i want to more visitor for my site i have unique ideas for google adsense.

  198. Hello … Jitendra sir,thanks for sharing these Blog Subission sites with us… I hope that this list will help to a newbie like me 🙂 Thanks a lot again ^_^

  199. Man oh man what an awesome list. I checked all of them one by one bro and each of them are really good. Slightly off topic wanted to ask whether All in one seo plugin is better than Yoast. Waiting for your answer!


  200. Link building is important for website/blog success. If you have more back links from high PR site, your search engine rank will be definitely high.its awesome blog keep it up good.Thanks

  201. Hi Jitendra,

    I was looking for a blog submission sites list. Googled and arrived at your site. Good listing. Thanks for the collection.

    With regards,
    Raju The PM

  202. Thanks for great & awesome post…………
    Thanks this is very help full for me.

  203. Nice list of blogs, Jitendra. I checked some out but found error with bloghints.com. I hope it’s not abandoned. That will be a shame considering it’s PR 5!

    Anyway, thanks for sharing this on Kingged.com, the top Internet marketing social bookmarking and networking website.

    • Nice list of blogs ! it ‘s really helpful for me for
      link-building segment.

  204. Hi Jitendra!

    Thanks for the share. This will assist business person or marketer to level up or perk up their PR. So I have to concur that if you make use of them for your blog, you will be benefited a lot. That is actually obvious. Good list of blog directories! I will check it out later. Keep sharing and posting valuable post!

    I found this post shared on Kingged.com, the Internet marketing content aggregator site, and I “kingged” it and left this comment.

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