Interview of Rajesh Namase from Sharing Useful SEO Strategies

Hey You bloggers we are back again with another brilliant interview.

As part of our BloggersIdeas interview series, today we have Rajesh Namase who is extremely obsessed with learning everything there is to know about successfully marketing your website online. Also he is Online marketer, Affiliate Marketer and proud blogger. He will be answering various questions related to Social Media, SEO & other Internet Marketing stuffs . So lets start with the interview.

Rajesh Namase blogger  Interview

First of all thanks a lot for accepting my interview proposal. I and my readers are very pretty glad to have you. Please tell us about yourself and your educational background.

My pleasure Jitendra. I'm Rajesh Namase, an IT engineer by education and full time blogger & SEO by profession. I completed my graduation in June 2012 and then I joined Tata Consultancy Services IT company. Within 2 months I decided to quit this job and start full time blogging and affiliate marketing. Vedant Kumar inspired me to start affiliate marketing, so thanks to him.

With increased volatility in the search engine landscape, how do you see SEO future shape up in the time to come? Does it still remain competitive to Paid Search Marketing?

Short answer yes, it will still remain competitive to paid search marketing.

Long answer: People talk a lot about Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird but what I found is that the basics of SEO are same; white and some gray hat techniques are still working well for me. Backlinks will play a major role in future as well.

How to increase your Facebook shared post reach to your audience? Any ideas.

Facebook has changed their EdgeRank algorithm recently, and except top brands it's very hard to get more reach. Truth is Facebook wants us to use their advertising program to promote our stuff.

Whenever we share any post (link) or image it'll appear in the newsfeed of very few people, if engagement is good then Facebook will show it to more people and so on. So it all depends on your EdgeRank. Check this video for more details:

What is call tracking in SEO, why it is important ? Please give examples.

SEO is all about experiments. To be frank I don't have that much experience with call tracking. But I found these articles to be useful:

1) A Guide to Call Tracking and Local Search

2)The Benefits of Call Tracking for Local SEO Far Outweight the Risks

Without knowing much about technology, how can I launch an online service platform?

If you don't know anything about technology and still want to launch an online service platform then you've two options: Find a partner who has knowledge about technology. Partnership is a good option when you lack something and your partner is good at that.

Second option is that you can take a risk and hire people to do your tasks, but this takes money and you should always keep a backup plan handy.

How Can I Pitch My Product to Large Companies?

Good question, many people fail to write a good pitch about their product. Whenever you're sending an email to large companies keep it short, they don't have time to read your whole email. Make subject line clear and eye catchy.

Then in 2-3 lines explain how your product can help people and what are the unique qualities about your product.

Which SEO tools you're using, tiered linking still work?

I use and try many SEO tools, I found these tools useful, I use them for all my affiliate projects

1) GSA Search Engine Ranker and Scrapebox => For tiered link building and link blast

2) GSA CAPTCHA Breaker => To solve the CAPTCHAs

3) GSA Indexer => To index the links

4) Kontent Machine => Creating automated content for tiered linking

5) The Best Spinner => For spun content

If you're newbie in affiliate marketing then I don't recommend these tools because these tools' cost is high. Also you need proxies and VPS to run these tools.

Yeah, tiered linking still works but again it totally depends on your strategy. Don't play with it if you don't have experience or know how to do it. Otherwise you'll ruin your money site.

If you build your site with WordPress what plugins should you install?

The WordPress plugins I can't live without are:

WordPress SEO by Yoast => All in one SEO plugin

W3 Total Cache => It optimizes your site for speed, proper setup is necessary

Google Analytics for WordPress => Google Analytics (GA) offer too many things, this plugin helps you to get more advatanges from GA and setup is very easy.

Akismet or Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin (GASP) => To protect sites from SPAMs.

Jetpack by => It offers a hell lot of features.

VaultPress => Premium plugin for realtime backup and automated security scanning

WP Social SEO Pro => Premium plugin to optimize sites for social media.

Recommended: Top WordPress Plugins

What email management tool should you use?

I use Aweber for list building. It is one of the best autoresponder. Still, Aweber's cost is a bit high so you can use Mailchimp or MadMimi if you want. If you're looking for the cheapest but good option then is for you. To create landing pages LeadPages is best option.

How do you improve your email subscription rates? How to entice readers so they sign up our subscription newsletters ?

Offer them something unique and valuable. I've written two articles on this which cover all the details:

1) Blogging Tips: The Importance of List Building to Bloggers

2) How to Build a List: Using an Opt-In Form and Squeeze Page

Are there any LinkedIn Tools that can help? Please tell us about it.

LinkedIn is a network of professional people, I'm using their Android app to connect with them. It's very easy to reply to important messages immediately from mobile.

If you have any questions or doubts please do ask in the comments below !

Dont forget to share this awesome interview in social media. I will be pleased if you share this now !!! Cheers!!! Join BloggersIdeas on FacebookGoogle+ & Twitter .


Jitendra Vaswani
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Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (13)

  1. Thanks for sharing these details on marketing…have been really helpful…thanks

  2. I reached here from YOURSTORY.COM,its great interview of Mr.Rajesh Namase,I learned a lot about SEO from here
    Thanks Jitendra Ji

  3. Really motivational interview. I often check his website and here I found some backhead points. Thanks for providing such informative interview. Trully, Rajesh is inspiration for us to pursue our blogging career.

  4. Hello Jitendra,
    Thanks for bringing Rajesh and taking his interview. He is really an inspiring blogger. We can learn a lot from the interviews of pro bloggers. I wish to see some other elite Indian blogger’s interview in this blog. Thanks a lot Jitendra.

  5. I ve my site I ve been blogging from past 4 months but I ve failed to produce any results …even my adsense is not approved I don’t know a single thing about affiliate marketing does it help in generating thick revenue ?

  6. Hi Rajesh,

    I’ve read about you a lot. I follow your blog. Thank u for sharing awesome stuff.


  7. Jitendra,
    It is a another inspirational interview, First time to hear about Rajesh Namase. Thank you so much Jitendra, It is really helpful article.

  8. Hey Jtendra Nice Interview of Rajesh,

    I read his blog techlila, It's fill with great info for bloggers.

    He is a great guy and have great knowledge. This interview is great and given more helpful inforamtion that we required.

    Thank you for this great resource and great email marketing tool Sendy. It seems great, I will try it.

    • Hi Nikhil, Thanks a lot for your comment …. Rajesh is extremly talented blogger. Sendy is great email marketing, althought it is new but worth to try 

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