BoldGrid Review 2024: Is It The Best WordPress Page Builder In The Market?

BoldGrid is one such brand that falls under the promising page builders, but is it a good option? Let’s check out our in-depth BoldGrid review.

The present era is of digitization. Today having an online presence has become very much important so as to sustain the competition. And the foremost need to have your online presence is to have an attractive website.

Nowadays, with technological advancements and several website builders, building a website requires almost negligible technological knowledge.

With the availability of several tools and software which allow you to build an attractive website, you can easily develop your own website with Boldgrid, a powerful drag-and-drop website builder for WordPress.

BoldGrid Review - Create a Web Site

I have been personally using Boldgrid for the development of my own website. That is the reason today I am able to give Boldgrid a review for your knowledge. Stay connected until the end of this review article to know the pros and cons of using Boldgrid.

BoldGrid Review

What’s Good About BoldGrid?

BoldGrid review- WordPress Website Builder InMotion Hosting

  • Built for WordPress: As an extension to WordPress, Boldgrid is the best tool to be used. Many developers choose WordPress to develop and build a website for themselves or for clients. The work becomes much easier and faster while creating custom layouts and pages.
  • Easy and QuickStart Website: By choosing a design and a structure from Boldgrid “Inspiration” section you can get started by deploying it to your website. This feature will install the theme and will populate your website with custom pages and layouts.
  • Easy to Use Editor: In the standard WordPress WYSIWYG editor, a new button added in Boldgrid enables the user to add custom grids to pages or posts. This new button allows you to create several columns layout with buttons, text blocks, boxes, and images. The variations for the layouts are unlimited as the drag-and-drop function allows you to move around these boxes.
  • East form creator: Most of the time a form is required on the website to collect relevant information from the visitor. The pre-built forms in Boldgrid help you create a custom form for your website. Choose pre-built forms, edit and customize them according to your need and requirement or you can also create a new form from the scratch.
  • Images: Quickly adding images to your website is easy with the Boldgrid to connect search. Premium or free stock images can be added right from your WordPress dashboard to your website with this feature. No editing tool is especially required. The user just needs to select an image and its size and the system will automatically download and crop the image for you.
  • Compatible: Using the available themes is no compulsion with Boldgrid. The user can choose any theme, free or premium of their choice for their website. Along with this, the functionality of your website with other 3rd party plugins can also be extended, there will not be any compatibility issues. The positive thing about Boldgrid is that it’s compatible with almost every WordPress plugin and theme.

🔥Check Out Boldgrid Now 

What’s Bad About BoldGrid?

Getting started with Boldgrid is not that easy but is not difficult too. The fact cannot be denied that the site-builder is extremely easy and is fun to create a website on Boldgrid but to get started you might face little issues.

An account at InMotion hosting is a must require start building your website. The boldgrid can be downloaded using the hosting technical number. Once you have installed it to your WordPress site, Boldgrid connects key will be required (given in your hosting account) to validate it.

This is the only disadvantage if you are new to website building with Boldgrid. Rest all is fun building your website here.

As per the survey conducted, most of the developers use Boldgrid to create a WordPress site for their clients and my personal experience with Boldgrid is also exciting and easy. Now let’s take a look at how to install and how to use this great website builder

Comparison With Others

BoldGrid Review- WordPress Website Builder Competitor

Is BoldGrid Better Than Others?

It’s not easy to compare BoldGrid to the other popular website builders, but people prefer using BoldGrid to using Wix or Squarespace as it is easily compatible with WordPress.

Not only because one can extend the functionality of their WordPress site anytime, but can also move it to another web host if they want to which is not possible with other site-builders, one has to stay with the same company forever.

Before we move on to how to install Boldgrid, let’s have a look at how Boldgrid is different from other website builders. The chart below will explain to you why one should go for the Boldgrid plugin.

The above image clearly explains the features BoldGrid and other editors don’t have. Some of them are here:

  • The site is powered by WordPress.
  • Numerous designs to go.
  • Complete ownership of your site and can also be easily moved to another platform when required.
  • You can build from example content with each template.
  • Simple and easy to use and drag-and-drop editor.
  • Negligible knowledge is required.
  • The site can also be used by developers and designers.
  • And much more.

How To Create A Website With Boldgrid

BoldGrid features hosting review

Domain And Web Hosting

The very first step required to get started with Boldgrid is your domain name and web hosting. InMotion Hosting and WebhostingHub are the two web hosts officially provided by BoldGrid. Bold grid officials recommend InMotion Hosting for your site.

🔥Check Out Boldgrid Now 

How To Install BoldGrid?

Installing BoldGrid

As Boldgrid is powered by WordPress, you first need to install WordPress.

After you have installed WordPress and purchased a hosting, follow the simple steps mentioned below:

  1. Log into your Hosting Account.
  2. As soon as you click on Account Technical Details a URL will open.
  3. At the end of the URL, a 7 digits number like this “3456789” will be there, copy that number.
  4. Open this URL:
    Replace #with the customer number that you got in step 3.
  5. Now, a page of BoldGrid Installation will appear. Download the plugin and copy the connect key mentioned there. Here connect key is the most important thing required.
  6. Next, you gave to log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  7. Upload and activate the plugin.
  8. Once you have activated the plugin, a message about the connect key will flash. Paste your connect key here and submit.
  9. Wow! You have BoldGrid on your site.
  10. Now you can start building your site by clicking on inspirations.

Note: Your customer ID and Connect key are the most secret things. So, don’t let anyone else use them.

Conclusion – BoldGrid Review 2024

BoldGrid review features

I am personally very satisfied using BoldGrid. Using Boldgrid is recommended for building your own new website or you can also use it for building it for your clients if you are a developer.

Boldgrid can be considered when one is building a website with WordPress and is facing problems in creating custom layouts. BoldGrid is available for free with every shared hosting plan from InMotionHosting.

🔥Check Out Boldgrid Now 

The superb combination of WordPress, Boldgrid, and InMotionHosting let anyone build, publish and manage professional and reliable websites.

Jitendra Vaswani
This author is verified on

Jitendra Vaswani is a top-notch digital marketer recognized for his extensive expertise in the field. He has spoken at international events and founded, a digital marketing agency, and, a tool for SEO copywriting and local SEO. With over ten years of experience, Vaswani has made significant impacts in digital marketing. He is also the author of 'Inside A Hustler's Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,' which has sold over 20,000 copies worldwide and gained international acclaim. His work continues to inspire many in the digital marketing world.

Affiliate disclosure: In full transparency – some of the links on our website are affiliate links, if you use them to make a purchase we will earn a commission at no additional cost for you (none whatsoever!).

Comments (3)

  1. Hi Jitendra,
    Really nice review. I also think that BoldGrid is much better and reliable than other WP builders. Your review reveals many things about why BoldGrid is better than others.

    Keep posting!

    P.S. If got some time then kindly do a comparison of BoldGrid and Squarespace. Since these two are strong competitors 😉

  2. Hey Dear,I have used only TemplateToaster,is it better than Boldgrid ? Can you please guide me in selecting the best website builder ?

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